Author: Izzy McMahon

Izzy McMahon is a senior at Wake Forest University studying Politics & International Affairs and Journalism. Hailing from Washington, D.C. , her main areas of interest are government, issue advocacy, and social movements. When she approaches her writing, Izzy emphasizes that all politics is local and the power of "little d" democracy. At Wake Forest, she is heavily involved in civic engagement and grassroots political action.

Community Outreach by the Winston Salem Urban League Seeks to Promote Equitable Vaccine Distribution

On a bustling Monday morning outside the Winston Salem Urban League’s office on N. Trade…

 Posted in Spring 2021

Community Organizations Tackle Equitable Vaccine Distribution

As COVID-19 vaccines reach city residents at increasing rates, vaccine access often reflects existing socioeconomic…

 Posted in Spring 2021 Tagged

Painting the Street with the Message that Black Lives Matter

Painted on the asphalt the length of a full block on Main Street, an expansive…

 Posted in Spring 2021 Tagged